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3 classes
Sentence 1: And he pointed out that indisputably conservative candidates had won contests, such as the Senate races in Ilinois Jand Kentucky. Sentence 2 Kentucky was never going to allow a democratic candidate in their Senate.
Sentence 1: yeah they say that's pretty good well how old ore you Sentence 2: Ok that's nice, do you like basketball
Sentence 1: Night Falls dri Manhattan (Parémount Pictures), Sentence’ 2A: film; called Night’ Falls: on’ Manhattan was . released
Sentence 1:'The well that served Gobind Singh's house is now a marble shrine. Sentence 2: The well was wrned into a shrine after it dried up.
Sentence 1: He'd. almost’ managed to: forget’ what. he was, ‘and he> didn't enjoy, having the aircraft worker find. out. Sentence 2: He didn't like having the aircraft worker discover-w ‘he was.
Sentence 1: Specifically, a concentration- response function based on Schwartz et Sentence 2: The concentration-response function is a copy of Schwartz
Sehtence tarid the other two are Short Kairs ‘Senterice. 2: There ‘dre ‘tywo others“and ‘they dre, short: fairs.
Sentence 1: As a young man approaching 40, | am confused about how ‘supposed to react to women's fashions. Sentence 2: | am worried — that complimenting a woman for her fashiot sense wil make me appear sexist.
Sentence I: A story reports an haggling aver ownership oF the Zapruder fim of JFK's assassination. ‘Sentence 2: Zapruder’s fm of JFK's assassination is the only one.
Sentence 1: The performance elements and standards include the following. Sentence 2: Performance is usually measured by the number of tasks completed every hour.
4: His ohands: on the. hin | shoulders pulled. rough © half other's. into 2 forward embrace. sentence 2: He. pulled thie “other inte. a: rough alt embrace.
Semtnce you have to make sure theyre guilty Sentence It must be certain they are guilty,
he FE held: Seienin £4192. uitif 19, JEP Agel ig: powberdiings He As,
Sentence 1: in the Phoenix case, the bounty hunters claimed that they were pursuing a skip but accidentally raided the wrong address. Sentence 2: Bounty hunters in the Phoenix case raided the wrong address.
Sentence The interior ~ is sparsely furnished. Sentence 2:Theré are any Fornichingsi in: the interior,
Sentence 1: Nothing weird here--instead, a ‘shot of 8 plaque that once acknowledged this. employee's sustained _ superior Performance and must now be packed away. Sentence 2: The employee used to perform at a high level
Sentence 1; just drastically alteréd we had people down the sireet that the-guy. Was in. the reserves and he was just about ready to go sind-they have a just hid.a new baby dnd ul they. would have she would:have had toga back to Work and . Sentence 2: The, man and his, wife that live down the street hiave'never had any children.
Sentence 1: About two full- time staff positions will be lost along with other cuts in staff hours. Sentence 2: Staff hours are being cut to offset lost revenue ,due to poor customer service.
Sentence 1: The resident: monks: still. loffér:.mass_.sung in’ Gregorian chant levery Sunday. |Sentence: 2:71 ymanks offer: mass sung in. GrégoriafY chant every Sunday,
Semence t The ABI lobbyists are that drivers with a 0.08-percent alcohol level-are riot the core of, the dronken-driving problem. Seatence 2: The ABUbnsts ate rig:
Sentence 1: when i'm approving and thenit's uh Sentence 2: When | am rejecting everything.
Sentence 1: Just a little further south is the little town of Pezenas, home to royal governors of the region in the 16th and 17th centuries and once called the Versailles of the south. Sentence 2: Pezenas has many opulent mansions and palaces.
Sentence 1: well i have iim really torn on the subject iim not a good candidate for this one i see what you see and i agree with you Sentence 2 I can see the same things as you do and Tagree'ith you
Sentence 1: The rosy view is that the: market's remarkable rise makes sense because conditions have been pertect. ISentence 2: The market rests on an incline, providing al ew.
Sentence 1: they're always in in in Hawaii someplace on on the on the beach Sentence 2: They are always outdoors in the sun.
Sentence 1: The old backstreets here are full of character but seldom visited by tourists. Sentence 2: The backstreets contain a lot of culture but are not often seen by tourists.
Sentence t: A walk around the lovely shaded ramparts of Obernai will convince you of the perennial proserity of its wine growers and farmers. Sentence 2: The wine makers here can hardly get anything to grow.
Sentence Thirteen kilometers (7 miles) farther brings you to Tanah Rata, the main township. Sentence 2¥anah Rata is the secondary township.
Sentence 1: In ancient days the University: simply mesnt’a Collection, of, scholars who met on a Street corner’ or in é public sduare:or courtyard to listen ts a‘lecture given From a'bench or balcony: Sentence 2!'In ancient ‘days, thie university -was Just 2 group:of buildings with one professor.
-Sertence tr Doze of promiient oft Galleries fave sat up shop Santo, Manica: With the result that it tow ammojircenter of the: Cénterporaryarkscene..: Sentence 2Sania Moni not know fa ts tolerance ‘towers athe aft ‘spene.
ntence 1: Simifariy, section 203 of the ct is inapplicable because the rule will ot = significantly = affect = small avernments. tence 2: Section 203 can not be pplied because it will not have a farge ffect on small governments.
‘Sentence § The Poldi Pezzoli Museum (Via Manzoni 12) is a formerly private collection displayed in the charming. Of its original home dedicated to the city in 1881 Sentence 2: The Poids Pezzol Museum is stil a private collect
Sentence. 9: 2 ite, out: Flippy S6rt.-0F kid: gushes Cokie. “young. says Steve.” Sentence 22 Cokie “gushes at. a niée, -cuté, Flip py -sort:-of kid:
Sentence 1: But his bluff (I hoped it was a bluff) was working. ‘Sentence 2: I don't think his bluff was working.
tence 1: We are also being inundated by ankruptcies, but in those cased we can only! take on cased of workers whose wages are being| jarnished and who can't take care of their basic] eeds with what they have left. tence 2: In recent years we haven't seen a ingle bankruptcy. # .e
Sentence 1: they're the ones that'll come home and tell you you know you shouldn't smoke it's bad for you shouldn't drink it's bad for you Sentence 2: They will bring home icigarettes and alcohol.
‘Sentence 1: Native ‘Me win. me passum heap big law . Sentence 2:r/a
Sentence L-The competitors, wearing only a pair of leather breeches, coat themselves in olive oil and perform a ceremonial procession before getting to grips with © their slippery opponents and flinging each other around ‘to ‘the delighted cheers of thousands of spectators. Sentence 2 Olive ol is used by competitors to mate themselves. sippery. oak
Sentence 1: um trying to think Sentence 2: | am trying to think of what to do next.
Sentence |: There is something missing. @ link in the chain that is not there. Sentence 2: Something is missing.
Sentence 1: |n the late '70s three people in endently wrote up that — the: - Norwegian economist. Victor Norman, lancaster himself and yours truly; and the néw trade theory was born.
Senterice 1: but anyway well i ray-children just Fari_out the. daor’ soi. need:to. go’ check ‘on thers, but. We. ceally’ :enjoyed' this. . conversation] eonversatior arid and-Uh-nice to have met: you ‘and you have a good day okay bye-bye ‘Sentence 2: Vouid you: like ts. talk, again tin 7a Few'doys?
; Sentence 1: "But You are from Texas ?"Was Rennie Watching him too intently? Sentence 2: But you originate from Texas?
1: You'd have to invoke your own gods 1 the requisite charm, 21 This ‘ite is. only available to notheistic, Christian men,
Sentence 1: Hokkaido now has some Hascinating museums devoted to Ainu life, land = the_~—vitlage = of ~—Shiraoi preserves the artifacts and folkcrafts lof their culture. Sentence 2) Ainu life — is fundamental to Japanese culture.
Sentence 1: A related article reveals that 18 percent of Americans expect the world to end during their lifetime. Sentence 2:Some Americans think climate change is going to end the world.
ree uh theyre pretty gd sized too bet | | UsURIY Wind Up getting a donut Sentence 2: Mey are prety big tut | at gut» Gorut because Rhasless calories. AY
Sentence I: Dave Hanson! By the power of the true name be summoned cells and humors, ka and id, self and-- Sentence 2: Dave Hanson had done something quite wrong.
‘Sentence 1: Look round the audience and you'll see plenty of focals nodding off unseifconsciousty. Sentence 2: The locols are nodding off becouse they have trouble getting sleep ot night.” < » ‘f
Sentence pride in that and and get Fone ‘some Positive, feedback from those who benefit besides yourself Sentence 2: right, you feel proud when you look at something you built yourself
‘Sentence 1: The park features # monumental ‘sculpture (by local artist Kitamura Seibo) that Pe considerable controversy when unveiled in ‘Sentence 2: The park featured a massive sculpture that held a lot of controversies.
Schuitiéi ig clean, Sentence Seriténce 2: Schumer is rather filthy.
Sentence 1: In fact, Steele probably could have earned more money if she had volunteered some scandalous yarn Sentence 2: Steele has had exglllience in the yarn business.
Sentence. 1: R2000-1 to ‘benchmark. the miodell0 ." Table, :2°.shoiws:. the. US. nstitutioridl/variable percentages. for the major postal functions. Sentence-2:.R2000-1 benchmarks’ model. 10, Table 2
Sentence 1: He regularly entertained the staff at editorial meetings with previews of the dish to come in his next piece. Sentence 2: He was known for his previews in meetings.
‘Sentence 1: Megiddo looms large in Christian apocalyptic beefs, Since the Bible gives tas the site of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation, the last battle which actually takes its name from the town.
Sentence sBut regardless, I'm afraid we won't be able to allow you oul| of this facility again for a little} while? Sentence 2: You're too dangerous for us to let go right now.
‘Sentence 1: yeah uh | heard that but | heard on uh uh the radio this moming that that uh you know old Bobby Valentine said that there was no no uh truth to that but you never can tell ‘Sentence 2: Bobby Valentino confessed that it was all true.
‘Sentence 1: uh-hum uh-huh it does get you Sentence 2 yes, that's right, it does affect you s
Sentence t:yeah dna continuing basis too’ Sentence 2: on 3, continuing basis, 1 do.indeed do that 7
Sentence 1: yeah they should they shoud clean cles that spt wouldnt take them much to put a'stamp'on uh pn the uh juice cans as easily as the soda 7 ‘Sentence 2: Adding the stamp would improve recychng.
Sentence While émergency phijsicgris may) not haverthe tims Srinteest she patients do, Sentefice 2: The ‘patients, hve. Zeroing” o- Interest, une -emérgency:-physicians.” ©” :
Sentence 1;.Our simulations are based: ori the Congressional Gidget Office's (CBO). January. 2001," 10-year: budgetary:-and economic projections? oo calendar year 2010. Sentence..2: The. simulations: were based. on a.20 year budget projection.
Sentence:i:*\ Senterice 2;
‘Sentence i: The system-stretches up to 16. km (10 miles} inlarid ani Includes Greer Grotto, avast ‘cavern with-ah underground lake where stalactites are clearly reflected inthe glassy water. * ‘Sentence. 2: The: system ‘stretches, at least-20 milés. inland.” : : es
Sentence t but anyone who'd never seen it written might quite easily do so, Sentence 2: But anyone who'd never. seen the text would be easily tempted to do so,
Sentence 1: Once a vast fortification of 49 turrets, it ranked alongside Osaka and Nagoya as one of the country's greatest impregnable bastions. Sentence 2 Unlike Osaka and Nagoya, the fortification was found to be wanting
Seritence 1: ‘This . guidance. is. intendéd’ ‘to demystify the assessment of. computerprocessed data. ‘Sentence, 2 There, is’ fo. guide for computer processed-data.
‘Seritetice 13Jon looked at him foramoment: Senience'2:Jon looked at another sian,
‘Sentence k Rurak costs. were 20. percent: ‘of total ‘delivery costs. |< Senitence’2: ‘the riifal: costs Were a sniatl, part of delivery wosts:
Sentende": The Centre “sits’ just. “back “From Highgate,’ on ..the ; same street. . with ‘the| Tourist: Infortiation Centre: [Seritence :Z:- ‘The: Centre, is" Located down the road’ fromthe Tourist, Information Centra.
fede ese ath 2d power 1 Foreeg her fo delje ‘and, iméasirg 2 He oh ay beter ihe enka
Sentence 1: already working and adapt it that that that particular day care system um wor! very well and the Canadian health plan i: probably the best one in existence today Sentence 2: Canada has one of the best health} plans in the world.
‘Sentence 1: so what are you majoring in Sentence 2: I majored in Psychology last term.
entence 1: Management should design ind implement internal-control based: on ‘fhe related cost and benefits, entence 2: Management. should ignore the related cost and benefits and.design ind implement. however they pleasé.
Sentence 1: Now Grimblade, that one was mean, Sentence 2: Grimblade was a cruel man that hurt a lot of people
Sentence t Having a lawyer can often be the difference between a woman staying in a violent relationship and being able to break out of one, Waldron said. Sentence 2: A lawyer has no benefit.
‘Sentence I: He read on slowly. ‘Sentence 2: He quickly glanced at it
Sentence I: many purposes, but one of its primary functions is to, control obligations up- front before the governagiiit commitment is made, Sentence 2: Controlling obligations up-front before the government commitment is thade is not one of its primary functions. .
Sentence 1; but um i wish we didn't have;to.i nieah {.('d rather even if a.country chooses a government that's not, you know: ¢xactly the kind: of, government that’ we have you know or ‘or is in complete opposition to it at.least. its, their choice. as as long.as'long its one that's that that makes sense sq'to speak’ you know. this, (sia government that-stays, in Power-that can stay--in- power but it seems like, most of them.don't Sentence: .2:- It: is. not :their choice, sif a Country choose a different: government from ours:
Setierice’ 2: Sentence: 2:
Sentence 1: Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were determined to subdue Ireland, and sent in massive military expeditions. Sentence 2: Elizabeth I sent in a lot of military and used extreme force.
Séntence 1; absolutely “andj Wish. they: would’: exercise il more thoroughly Tey the punishment “fit the Crime © in this stale. we've Gol avy very. Weird situation~ going* on: we're under-federal supervision and: i agree: lo-.& point i agree. with. how? the system +> works? ir sotne respec{s:. in--other Ways i ont for: first lime: offenders everybody's entitled to: “screv: Up. once. welll -gixe’: them the edrly -release: credits Well give’ them: ‘the’ “good: lime ~ credijs.
~ Sentence 1 it’s horrible : Sentence 2. The Muslim ban is horrible.
Sentence 1: Sentence 2:
‘Sentence 1: The principal didn't consider the rapid development of multi-player type games, where the users play with each other on the internet, mostly in the evening. Sentence 2: Each team was made up of five players.
egene The ger tren ep bak of ple down onthe be wth 2 ‘Sete 2 The gumtier tank dour 2 mthomices took fom the ple
Sentence 4: you know but i've it's been long gone out of my system now i could just put it in home and let it go there and take me there and that's it i don't like any of that Sentence 2: It's completely out of my system a
Sentence Schiff has also appeared ently in the tabs 2: Schiff hates it when he appears the tabloids:
Sentencex solicitation for a proposed contract, (2) a proposed | award, or (3) the awardof acontract. Sentence 2 A proposed contract was solicited.
Sentence 4: You huntin' someone? Sentence 2: Are you hunting someone?
Sentence |: But then you showed us ideols 1 just for faicy tales and like. 2: You showed that ideals could be everything
Sentence 1: The park is remarkable chiefly for the National Yoyogi Sports Ceter, comprising two stadiums designed by architect Tange Kenzo. Sentence 2: The park has only tennis and basketball courts, and a fountain. J *
Sentence t it came installed with ‘Multivista’, a version for employees in firms trading in consumer musts tirage perpits called Utimete daring fice Sentence 2: The software is for games.
Sentence 1: Nobody saw me. Sentence 2: Not a single person noticed me.